The Master of Carnage

Article publié le mercredi 16 novembre 2005 par Cédric, Mikael
Mis à jour le samedi 19 novembre 2005

The paint job

The photo gallery
This piece is prepared with an X-acto blade, a file, sand paper, and AB sculpt to repare some sculpt errors. It’s a long and boring phase but absolutely necessary (some say :) ).

I started painting the skin with a layer of white GW primer. The base color is done with three thin layers of a mix of 2/3 Fortress Grey and 1/3 Catachan Green.

I started the shadows with a Catachan Green wash.

I then highlighted with a mix of the base color and white, getting it clearer and clearer.

I then rework the shadows with various washes of Cavalry brown Vallejo Model color (VMC), violet, green, and blue.

I then continued to push the lighting towards white and to reinforce the shadows :

I then went on to do the mask with some DarkFlesh + black, highlighted with Vermin Fur, and Fiery Orange.

The chaines are done with somme Codex Grey + Oxford Blue (VMC), highlighted with some Grey Space Wolf, then white.

The pants are done with some Dark Flesh + black and highlighted with some Dark Flesh, then Medium fleshtone (VMC). The finishing touch are Enchanted Blue and Liche Puple washes.

The red armor is done with some Cadm. umber red (VMC), highlighted with Vermillon (VMC) then Orange Red (VMC)in order to create a spectral effect. I then finished with some blue and green washes. Some details are redonne with some Light Orange (VMC).

The base

I started out by doing a few quick sketches in the Paris going TGV (French High Speed Train) (that’s why it’s shaky) and I chose a design for my stone motif.

The base is sculpted in a block of plaster (this technic is often seen nowadays) and the metal plates are done in Fimo. The rings, from Maethor’s tips :D, are also done in Fimo. The chain is a small thread of chain taken from Jaeckel...

The painting has for base a mix of white and Neutral Grey (VMC). The stones are highlighted with white. They are then stained by all kind of washes and then decorated with strands of blood.

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